
Logros y Trofeos Sylvio

Listado de logros y trofeos de Sylvio. Desbloquéalos todos.




Tried the entertainment system in the restaurant


Dr Venkman

Played the piano in the auditorium


Code of the Scared Sibling

You found a secret code for the signal lamp


Code of Kristoph

You found a secret code for the signal lamp


Code for the Pumps

You found a secret code for the signal lamp. Somewhere, a pump started


One More Crow

You shot the crow on the top of the amusement ride


In the Ground

You found a hole in the ground, lit up by lights switched on in the terrarium


The Museum

Found the museum on the top of Yellow Mountain


Learning Analyzer

Found 5 hidden messages


Learning Listener

Heard 5 voices in the static


Bobby's Reels

Found all of Bobby's Reels


Skeleton Keys

You collected the keys form all drifting parade balloon corpses


Master Listener

Found all voices in the static


Master Analyzer

You found all hidden messages and collected all the pieces of shredded piano sheets