The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim La vuelta del triunvirato

Licenciado Perez Moroya

Recién llegado
4 Oct 2020
ya me tiene harto esta mision, por alguna razon la morra antes de jalar la palanca se da la vuelta y se va para no volver, he intentado varias formas para que la mision funcione pero no lo logro, así que si alguien le a pasado este bugs y supiera como resolver este bug porfa
Es este el bug que estás presentando?

PC XB1 PS4 Karliah is supposed to open the gate. Instead of doing so, Karliah may walk back to Riften. She and Brynjolf will be considered "Busy," when spoken to.
  • This can be solved by pushing Brynjolf into the room with runes in it.
  • This can also be solved by standing closer to the gate while Karliah is speaking and asks the Dragonborn to accept the oath. Standing on the steps and waiting for her to come to the Dragonborn is the simplest way to prevent her from wandering off.
  • PC(Fix) Use either of the resetAI and setstage TG08A 57 commands. If the setstage command is used, the Nocturnal cut-scene will be skipped, and the chamber may not open for later.
  • PC(Fix) Going to the chain and typing prid 00058F1A in the console, then moveto player. Closing console then opens the gate. She is there. Then, typing setstage TG08A 52 stops her from walking away. Furthermore, it is not necessary to skip the Nocturnal cutscene. She and Brynjolf start walking into the bars instead. Then the bars can be disabled by opening the console, targeting the bars, and typing disable. Then, they both walk to their places.

De ser así ahí hay varias soluciones
A mi me ha pasado con mas de un personaje pero buscando en internet di con la solucion que me ayudo a seguir esta mision. Cuando Kharlia vaya a hablarte vos tenes que estar parado en las escaleras y hacer que ella vaya hacia vos. No bajes las escaleras y el problema se soluciona, ella va hacia la palanca y la mision puede continuar