Trofeos The Rabbit Hole

Listado de trofeos de The Rabbit Hole. Desbloquéalos todos.



Where is the path to Wonderland?

Resuelve la caja de música


Off with their heads

Encuentra todas las tarjetas del juego


Mesmerize with the cards

Resuelve la caja fuerte


All in the golden afternoon...

Resuelve el cuadro giratorio


We're all mad here

Resuelve la caja de dibujo


I eat what I see

Come una "Eat Me Cake"


Yo-ho and a bottle of potion!

Usa una "Drink Me Potion"


Unnecesary Gore

Encuentra el corazón latiente


Down the rabbit hole

Escapa del agujero del conejo


How long is forever

Resuelve el reloj antiguo


It was always there. How did you not see it?

Encuentra la última parte de la llave


A queen once said

My dear, here we must run as fast as we can, just to stay in place. And if you wish to go anywhere you must run twice as fast as that