Trucos de juegos
Eliteguias te trae todos los trucos, códigos y secretos para los juegos de cualquier plataforma que empiezan por la letra I.
Índice de trucos: # - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- I Am Alive
- I Am Bread
- I Am The Hero
- I and Me
- Ibb & Obb
- iCarly 2: iJoin The Click
- Ice Age
- Ice Age 2: El Deshielo
- Ice Age 3: El Origen de los Dinosaurios
- Ice Age: Una Aventura de Bellotas
- Ice Cream Surfer
- Icewind Dale
- Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter
- Icewind Dale II
- Iconoclasts
- Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms
- I Expect You To Die
- IGI 2: Covert Strike
- Ignition
- IGPX: Inmortal Grand Prix
- I Hate Running Backwards
- IHF Handball Challenge 14
- I, Hope
- Iji
- Ikachan
- Ikai
- Ikaruga
- Ikenfell
- Ikusa Gami
- IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey
- Illusion: A Tale Of The Mind
- Illusion of Gaia
- Illusion of L'Phalcia
- Illusion of Time
- IloMilo
- I'm Hungry
- Immortality
- Immortal Legacy: The Jade Cipher
- Immortal Planet
- Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars
- Immortal Redneck
- Immortals Fenyx Rising
- Immortals of Aveum
- Immortal Unchained
- Impact Racing
- Impact Winter
- Imperator: Rome
- Imperial Glory
- Imperialism
- Imperium Galactica
- Imperivm Civitas
- Imperivm Civitas II
- Imperivm III: Las grandes batallas de Roma
- Imperivm: La Guerra de las Galias
- Import Tuner Challenge
- Impossible Creatures
- Inazuma Eleven 3: Fuego explosivo
- Inazuma Eleven 3: ¡La Amenaza del Ogro!
- Inazuma Eleven Go: Light
- Inazuma Eleven Strikers
- In Between
- Incantation
- In Celebration of Violence
- Incoming
- Incoming Forces
- Incredible Crisis
- Incredible Mandy
- Incubation: Time Is Running Out
- In Death
- Independence Day
- Independence Day Break Head to Head
- Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos
- Indiana Jones y El Cetro de los Reyes
- Indiana Jones y El Gran Círculo
- Indiana Jones y la Máquina Infernal
- Indiana Jones y la Tumba del Emperador
- Indiana Jones y la Última Cruzada
- Indiecalypse
- Indigo 7 Quest of love
- Indigo Prophecy
- Indigo Prophecy Remastered
- Indivisible
- Indoor Sports World
- Industry Giant II
- Indy 500
- IndyCar Series
- Indy Racing 2000
- Inertial Drift
- InFamous
- Infamous 2
- InFamous: First Light
- InFamous: Second Son
- Infected
- Infernal
- Infinite Undiscovery
- Infernal Hell's Vengeance
- Infernium
- Inferno 2
- Inferno Climber: Reborn
- Inferno Pool
- Infestor
- Infinifactory
- Infinita Strada Hana
- Infinite Adventures
- Infinite Air with Mark McMorris
- Infinite Arrow
- Infinite: Beyond the Mind
- Infinite Minigolf
- Infinitrap: Rehamstered
- Infinity Blade: Saga
- Infinity Runner
- Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai
- Infliction: Extended Cut
- Inglorious
- I-Ninja
- Initial2: New Stage
- Initial D
- Initial D: Another Stage
- Initial D: Extreme Stage
- Initial D: Street Stage
- Injection π23 'No name, no number'
- Injustice 2
- Injustice: Gods Among Us
- Ink
- InkSplosion
- Inkulinati
- Inner Ashes
- InnerSpace
- Inops
- Inquisitor
- In Rays of the Light
- Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
- Insane Robots
- Insectum - Epic Battle of Bugs
- Insector X
- Inside
- Inside My Radio
- Insomnis
- In Space We Brawl
- In Space We Brawl: Full Arsenal Edition
- Inspector Gadget
- Inspector Gadget - Mad Time Party
- Inspector Gadget: Operation Madkactus
- Instant Brain
- Instant War
- Insurgency: Sandstorm
- Intelligent Qube
- Intenciones Ocultas
- Interfectorem
- International Snooker
- International Superstar Soccer
- International Superstar Soccer 2
- International Superstar Soccer 64
- International Superstar Soccer 98
- International Superstar Soccer Deluxe
- International Superstar Soccer Pro 98
- International Track & Field
- International Track & Field 2
- International Track & Field: Summer Games
- Interpol: The Trail of Dr. Chaos
- Interstate '76
- In the Groove
- In the Hunt
- Into A Dream
- Into the Belly of the Beast
- Intruders: Hide and Seek
- Invasion
- Invasion from Beyond
- Invector
- Invector: Rhythm Galaxy
- Inversion
- Inversus
- Inversus Deluxe
- In-Vert
- Invincible Knight
- Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Tao
- Invisible, Inc. Console Edition
- Invisigun Reloaded
- Invizimals: El Reino Escondido
- Invizimals: La Alianza
- Invizimals: La Resistencia
- Invokers Tournament
- In Your Face
- Ion Assault
- Ion Fury
- IQ Final
- Iridion II
- Iris no Atelier: Eternal Mana 2
- Iris no Atelier: Grand Fantasm
- Iro Hero
- Iron & Blood
- Iron Brigade
- Ironcast
- Ironclad Tactics
- Iron Combat: War in the Air
- Iron Crypticle
- Iron Harvest
- Iron Man
- Iron Man 2
- Iron Man VR
- Iron Man / X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal
- Iron Meat
- Iron Sea Defenders
- Iron Sky Invasion
- Iron Snout
- Iron Storm
- Iron Wings
- Irony Curtain: From Matryoshka with Love
- Irritating Stick
- I Saw Black Clouds
- Island Flight Simulator
- Island Saver
- Islands of Wakfu
- Island Time
- Isonzo
- Itadaki Smash
- Itadaki Streets DS
- It came from space and ate our brains
- It Lurks Below
- It's Quiz Time
- It's Spring Again
- It Takes Two
- Ittle Dew 2
- Ittle Dew 2+
- Ivy the Kiwi?
- I Want To Be Human
- I-War
- I Was A Teenage Exocolonist
- I, Zombie
- Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja
- Izuna 2: The Unemployed Ninja Returns
- Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings