Trofeos Butter & Friends: Babysitter Sim
Listado de trofeos de Butter & Friends: Babysitter Sim. Desbloquéalos todos.
Baby Boom
Unlock all babies
Handful of Babies
Successfully babysit 4 babies in ione sitting
Babysitters' Club
Succesfully babysit with 4 sitters
Can't Touch This
Successfully babysit without the baby ever having gotten grabbed by an abductor
The Efficient Sitter
Successfully babysit without ever having exhausted your hand
The Proficient Sitter
Successfully babysit without ever having to retry
Certified Babysitter
Successfully babysit for the first time
Veteran Babysitter
Successfully babysit on Hard difficulty for the first time
In The Nick of Time
Have a baby return home after being dropped by an abductor just outside a doorway
The Negligent Sitter
Successfully babysit while having had the baby grabbed by every type of abductor
Bad Bread
Successfully babysit Bread on Hard difficulty
Guardian of Babies
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