DreamWorks Voltron VR Chronicles

Trofeos DreamWorks Voltron VR Chronicles

Listado de trofeos de DreamWorks Voltron VR Chronicles. Desbloquéalos todos.



Definitely Not Broken

Defuse the Alien Device


Lancey Lance is On the Case

Save Pidge and Hunk


Hot Wired Ice Cannon

Re-route Blue Lion's Power


Almost Lost in Space

Restore the Star Map


Hyper-Jump-Portal, GO!

Open a Wormhole for the Paladins


Jet Pack!!!

Complete the Ice Planet


Space Rocks Equal Bad

Complete the Asteroid Belt


"And I'll Form the Head!"

Complete the Desert Planet


Game, Set, Match

Defeat the Galra Bomber


Pew, Pew, Pew

Defeat 50% of the Galra Fighters in the Asteroid Belt


Aw, Yeah!

Defeat 50% of the Galra Fighters in the Desert Planet


Not a Space Piñata

Defeat the Robeast without Getting Hit


Defender of the Universe

Complete the Experience